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That's great! Your cock is beautiful and your stroking of your long dick is arousing for me. Thanks! I'd love to ingest your cumload from the cup. Would you like to watch me down it in one gulp? Of course I'd savor it for a while in my mouth before feeling it slide down my throat. May I lick your gorgeous cock clean and suck any remaining drops of cum form your sweet pis-hole? Love and sucks, Bob . .I loved watching you masturbate, but was waiting to see you swallow up that warm delicious cum.If I had been there I'd have swallowed it all. You made me wet.I loved watching you masturbate in to that glass.I'm fantasizing that you picked up the glass and swallowed it.My pussy is so wet now.Wow can you send it to me and trade more vids? Angelox@casema.Nl.Wow can you send it to me and trade vids? Angelox@vasema.Nl.